Europaschule Köln

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D&G Workshop mit Steve Clorfeine

Zum vierten Mal arbeitete der amerikanische Schauspieler und Theaterpädagoge Steve Clorfeine mit mehreren Kursen an der ESK.
In disem Jahr lag der Fokus auf Körperpräsenz und der Improvisation mit Zeitungspapier. Im ernsten und doch spaßvollen Miteinander entstanden tolle Kostüme und wertvolle kleine Spielszenen. Ganz nebenbei sprachen alle miteinander Englisch!
Unser aller Dank nicht nur an Steve, sondern auch an den Förderverein, ohne dessen großzügige Unterstützung diese Kurse nicht möglich wären.



Our workshop with  Steve Clorfeine

In the beginning we made movement and sound exercises. Then we made exercises with our body.
In groups we had to imagine that we are for example elastic. The workshop leader was Steve Clorfeine, who comes from America  He was very nice and a good teacher, because he has much experience. He had very good ideas. The workshop was interesting, funny and exciting. The best was the part with the newspaper.  
Thank you Steve and come back!

Patricia, Nina (D&G 8 Behr-Heyder)



We had a workshop with Steve Clorfeine from New York.
He’s a perfomer, director and teacher, who has studied improvisation, writing and poetics.
In the workshop we began with sound and movement exercises.
We created a costume only with newspaper and we tried out a personal way of walking, then we presented our costumes and our ‘own walk’ on stage.
We also worked on exaggerated facial expressions and gestures.
In slow-motion and fast-motion we acted as robots or as if  we were elastic.
Finally we can say that we have learned a lot about gestures, positions and simple costumes.
Some kids think that it was a good workshop but other kids think it was boring.(Joy)



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